8 reasons why you should not use PHP
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PHP is one of the most frequently used programming languages to build server-side applications. It has been around for over a decade and has made a name for itself as one of the most effective and reliable software development solutions, with a large following. However, developers have recently discovered some issues with the language, which has caused it to gradually lose popularity in favour of more modern and optimised alternatives.
Even though it has many positive features, it also has its fair share of negatives. There are so many websites built on PHP and used on a daily basis, even though many of the developers eagerly say mean things about the language. Some programmers have pointed out some of the drawbacks of the language when making a website.
Here are some of the reasons why you should not use the programming language. It will guide you when you think of using any programming language.
What purposes does it serve?
Before delving into why it should not be used, consider the language’s role in the development industry. You know that the main purpose of the programming language is to facilitate web development. Facebook and WordPress are two examples of websites made using PHP. Other than web development, it can be used in other implementations, like building desktop applications.
It works well when combined with other programming languages. Additionally, it has excellent libraries, frameworks, and documentation, which expand the language’s capabilities even further. Laravel, Symfony, Phalcon, Zend Framework, and Yii are some of the best-known examples of these frameworks. Now we can move on to what you should learn before using PHP.
Why should you not use it?
There are a few reasons programmers should know if they are about to hire PHP developers or learn the language to enter the programming world. Check out the following to learn more about why you should not use them.
- Popularity fades
- No specifically designed libraries for modern needs
- Security holes
- Inconsistency
- Lacks versatility
- Limited debugging tools
- Can’t modify core behaviour
- There are other easier-to-use languages
1. Popularity fades
There are numerous other, simpler programming languages for web apps. However, PHP is a powerful tool with a sizable developer community and helpful reference documentation. That’s why newbie developers prefer learning Python as their first language rather than adding the language to their skillset.
While it’s true that the language currently rules the web development world, this will eventually change. Over time, the number of experts will decline, and there won’t be as many inexperienced developers to provide basic skills for a bargain. As a result, PHP-based products’ costs are likely to increase. It is one of the reasons not to use the programming language.
2. No specifically designed libraries for modern needs
It has no libraries specifically designed for modern needs, which means it has a set of libraries that cannot compete with other languages. When your company grows in the future, you will need more advanced features, which makes PHP an unsuitable choice. When you want to develop web applications empowered by machine learning, it is impossible with its set of libraries. Then you will have to use languages like Python.
3. Security holes
It has two security flaws that make the language bad for web development. The first reason is the open-source nature of the language, which leads to code vulnerabilities. Programmers may exploit it with malicious intent and adequate skills.
The accessibility of the language to new programmers is the second factor influencing its reputation for poor security. As a result, a number of websites and apps are created by inexperienced programmers, students, or even amateurs, which may compromise their general security and functionality.
4. Inconsistency
Even programmers who have never used the programming language know its messy syntax, unpredictable nature, and inconsistent function naming. It has few coding restrictions, leading to bad-quality code compared to other languages. Mistakes are unavoidable if a language allows for so much flexibility and variety of options.
5. Lacks versatility
As said earlier, it is a scripting language exclusively for building websites and web applications. But when it comes to more extensive and complex projects, you must switch to other programming languages. To handle such projects, you would require technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data, etc., that PHP cannot offer.
6. Limited debugging tools
The lack of adequate debugging tools in the language is a common gripe among developers. Because the debugging tools required to track and look for such errors don’t function as well, it handles errors poorly, especially when compared to other scripting languages.
7. Can’t modify core behaviour
If your main objective when working on a task is to be as creative as possible, PHP is not the right tool for you. It is due to its limitations as a scripting language, which prevent any alterations or changes to the fundamental functions or frameworks of web applications. Consequently, you will be able to achieve new outcomes with some restraint.
8. There are other easier-to-use languages
The programming language is fairly user-friendly. If you’re already a developer, you’ll be able to learn it quickly. This language, on the other hand, is written in code. Compared to Python, written in English, it is clear that even a beginner can understand Python. As a result, while PHP is simple to learn, simpler languages are available.
PHP is still one of the most widely used and contentious programming languages today. Many developers have love-hate relationships with the language because it is a living paradox for them. It has both benefits and drawbacks, just like any other programming language, and it isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Therefore, it is absurd to despise the programming language and look for minor flaws when, in reality, you need to master it and fully utilise all of its advantages.
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The author: Sascha Thattil works at Software-Developer-India.com which is a part of the YUHIRO Group. YUHIRO is a German-Indian enterprise which provides programmers to IT companies, agencies and IT deparments.