How Online Videos Can Help Improve Visibility Of An IT Company
Someone said online videos bring you more mileage than anything else. When you look at the statement in depth, it is quite true. Because, videos can play a crucial role in creating visibility for your IT company. Videos can generate more leads, more traffic and eventually, more conversions and sales. Due to this trend, the video input from companies has been really high. If it is more than 60% now then it is expected to reach more than 80% in the next few years, so getting those videos ready is really very important.
What is visibility?
Visibility is a condition in which other people would be able to see and hear about your company, and the products and services you sell, irrespective of where they are located. Depending on how you market and what channel you use to market, the results would be generated. The more the visibility, the bigger the chances people have of seeing and hearing about your company. Having a strong online brand visibility is the best way to convert into sales. Online visibility can be obtained through various means – good content, advertisement campaigns, marketing strategies, online directors, and online videos. All these factors play together to make your company “findable” to the visitors.
Outlined below are some tips on how online videos can improve your company’s visibility.
Make the best of YouTube
YouTube is the most “workable” video channel that will bring you real results. This is something that will get you ahead of your competitors and they can most certainly not beat you if you constantly update your YouTube channel with relevant content. If people can refer to YouTube to learn how to tie a tie, or make a pancake, you can definitely use YouTube to promote your business on a regular basis. In order to make the best of YouTube, there are some rules that should be followed, but that is another topic altogether and we might deviate from topic if we get into that, so what you should really concentrate on is to create and optimize a YouTube channel and infuse the video descriptions with relevant keywords.
Creating links from the YouTube videos
When you promote online videos on YouTube channel, you have another added advantage of sharing the links to your websites. This is how most people get their visitors. Get them hooked on to your website and start the conversion process. Once you have created the links, you can promote the video and the content on your social media channels. This would increase your visibility several times more.
Brand reputation
In order to increase online visibility, you need to build your brand reputation as well. When people see your logo or product, they should immediately relate it to a company that they trust because this would definitely help in your brand visibility. So all the videos that you release should have the same, current logo because logo is something they would start to relate your business with.
Improve your site’s SEO
Another way to improve online visibility would be to work seriously on your site’s SEO. Get hold of an SEO expert if you are not familiar with improving the SEO because this job has to be done in a professional manner.
Consistent with your branding efforts
While talking about videos, it is also worth mentioning that when reworking on your branding efforts, you should be consistent about it across all the online channels that you use. Consistent branding would help in recognizing your brand among many others and reinforce. This is because a single company may use other channels for communicating with their customers, networking, document sharing and so on. Consistency would bring in online visibility.
The content of the video should be right.
Suppose you are promoting your company through these videos, it is imperative that you send this new information in an interesting and engaging manner. They should be entertaining, interactive and of course, something your visitors can connect with. There should be some attention grabbing aspect in the first few visuals itself because people tend to lose interest after 8 seconds of video playing.
Visibility for potential clients
If you are seeking partnership from companies abroad, then the team from the other country will have to come and visit the company several times, meet with the key people, consider the legal aspects, weigh the pros and cons before deciding on an official partnership. You may need to make a video of your company and its related activities, so they can form an opinion without coming down all the time. This saves them time and plane fare. With online videos, you can also keep updating with the team from abroad, the progress on the project and collect inputs from them without any delay. Provided, of course, you have a good Internet connection.
Business of all shapes and sizes can make use of videos to promote visibility. YouTube, Metacafe, Vimeo are some of the most popular channels used by them to drive traffic. As these are popular channels, there is no doubt that your online visibility would go several notches higher. Thus, videos can not only increase reach, but it will also be able to establish validity of your brand.
Interesting links about the topic:
How Video Can Increase Your Site’s Visibility
Why Do You Need Internet Visiblity
Pictures: Ergow.COM | Petr Sejba
The author: Reema Oamkumar is engaged as a thought leader at which is a part of the YUHIRO Group. YUHIRO is a German-Indian enterprise which provides programmers to IT companies, agencies and IT departments.