What is the hourly rate of ASP.NET Developers?


Often, hiring the right development team for your project can be a difficult task. You need to consider a lot of things, and then go through the hassle of hiring the right people, especially when it is a freelance team. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to go about it, and you can make the whole process simple, provided you know where to tap. One of the first considerations would be to decide which web application framework to use. It could be pretty confusing since there are plenty of perfect frameworks around, and choosing one from among them can be a challenge. 

React, Vue, Bootstrap, Angular, ASP.NET, the list gets endless. However, we will be discussing only one, i.e ASP.NET, or rather how you can hire the perfect developer team, and the hourly rate of ASP.NET developers. 

How much does the ASP.NET developer charge?

There are different budgets, so if you are on a tight budget, and don’t have so much funds to allocate, then you can get a fairly good developer for as low as $17-$35 per hour. However, it would mostly be beginners, but that would suffice for simple projects

With freelancers, you can partner with a software development agency that would provide you with exactly what kind of people you need. Developers are available for both contract basis and freelance bases, so if you have a part of a project that you would like to allocate to the outsourced team, you can easily do that. It is important for the partner agency to understand complex business needs, and provide you with a competent team with extensive domain expertise. 

Investing in a good ASP.NET developer team is a good idea, provided you make all the right moves and steps. Rather than hiring freelancers one by one, it would be advisable to hire an entire team depending on the size of the project, and the release timeline.

If you need a quick job, you might have to hire additional programmers, and that could be over the budget for you. The best option would be to hire freelance workers so you will have to employ them only during the course of the project, after which the team can be dismissed, leaving only a few for maintenance and scalability requirements. 

For a medium-beginner level developer with knowledge of ASP.NET framework and other frameworks, the charge would be around $50 per hour. For an advanced level developer, this could go up to $90 or more depending on certain factors. 

So the factors that would affect the ASP.NET developer’s fees

  • What the current salary is in the industry
  • The amount the developer makes in an hour
  • The experience of the candidate 
  • Special skills and technical expertise would be considered 
  • The country the developer resides in

How to hire a good ASP.NET developer

If you are seeking the services of a software development agency, you just have to name your requirements, and a team will be set up for you depending on the skill level and expertise required. However, your ideal candidate must have basic knowledge of all the major frameworks, apart from just APS.NET web application development. Additionally, the developer should also have:

  • Knowledge of product development process
  • Posses front-end development skills 
  • Have experience in working with multiple frameworks

1. Experience is important

While having a junior developer does bring fresh ideas to the project, it is also important to have experienced developers in the team because you get diverse and value-added skills at the same time. They might be more experienced in handling sudden and tough situations.

2. Knowledge of other databases

It would be advantageous for the ASP.NET developer to have advanced knowledge of SQL databases because Microsoft SQL, Oracle and MySQL are always used in conjunction with .NET frameworks.

And that’s now all. There are some other skills that are necessary too. Let’s check out what those are:

  • Ready to do teamwork and collaborate with the team any time.
  • Excellent and effective communication skills
  • Ready to learn new trends and techniques
  • Eager to adapt to company’s goals and objectives

Tips on hiring ASP.NET developers:

Apart from knowing about the cost of hiring the developers, it is also important to know the right questions to ask them because then you’ll know you’ve hired the right people. 

1. Asking relevant questions

As the interviewer, you must also be aware of the trendy ASP.NET questions, so you can ask the candidates. You can visit the different developer forums to know the latest questions, the trendy technologies and so on. 

2. Confer with the internal team too

If you already have a team on the inside working for you, then you can also include them in the interview, since they will have suggestions, and will be more updated on the latest trends, and current tech trends. 

ASP.NET developers help create the best user experience after all

Hiring an ASP.NET developer will always be better than hiring an individual developer because they are likely to possess special skills that your project needs. They would help fill the gaps as the project moves along, work in tandem with the current demands of the project, and grow and evolve as the project grows. 

While hiring developers, it is important to probe their skills in creating user interfaces. It is the user interface that will make the best impact for the users, and you don’t want to finish the hiring process to find out that their knowledge of creating user interfaces is not up to the mark. 


Finding the right team for your project can be a tough task indeed, but when you spend time and make an effort, it would definitely be rewarding. 

Interesting Links:

More information about ASP.NET

Want to become an ASP.NET Developer?

Pictures: Canva

The author: Sascha Thattil works at Software-Developer-India.com which is a part of the YUHIRO Group. YUHIRO is a German-Indian enterprise which provides programmers to IT companies, agencies and IT departments.

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